
This Bamboo is native to eastern Asia. It grows up to 15 feet high and has shiny green leaves with grayish-blue undersides. This is a fairly hardy Bamboo, being able to survive in sheltered areas as far north as southern New York. Bamboos need moist soil at all times, especially during periods of dry weather. They are great for growing near riverbanks and streamsides as long as it is not swampy and stagnant soil.

Pot Cultivation

Grow this Bamboo in moist, fertile soil. When planted near a pond, stream, etc., make sure the crowns are well above the water level. Provide shelter from wind, especially if grown in the North. They can be grown in sun or light shade. In the spring, the oldest shoots or those with dying tops, should be pruned to the ground. It would be beneficial to mulch with organic matter such as rough compost, partially rotted manure and leaf mold.


They may be divided in the spring.

P. japonica


P. japonica. 

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